This post is for SIGN-UPS ONLY. If you have questions for the mods, please go
here to ask them.
Okay, so this is how it works:
This challenge runs from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30th. The goal is to write something every day for thirty days. What that something is, is up to you. All fandoms or original work is welcome, all pairings, all genres. Sounds simple enough, right?
What YOU need to do:
1. JOIN THE COMMUNITY. I cannot emphasize this enough. Sometime between October 15 and October 30, you need to join the comm. Any attempts to join the comm after October 30th (U.S.) will not be accepted. Sign ups by people who have not joined the community will not be tracked.
2. COMMENT TO THIS POST. Make a comment to this post with your daily word commitment. Minimum commitment is 100 words per day, every day, for 30 days. There is no max, but try to keep it real.
Reminder: everything you do in this comm revolves around the subject line of your comment. You will need to go to the comm to input information as some LJ Styles do not show/give a subject line when commenting.
When commenting to this post, use the following format:
Subject: Sign Up: [username], [word count]
Example: Sign Up: Paleogymnast, 100
3. REPORT IN EVERY DAY. When the prompt post for the day goes up, comment with your word count for the day, in the required format (more on that later). If you like, you can also include a sample of your writing or a link to it, but you are not required to show your work.
And that's it. Your friendly neighborhood mods will take care of the rest, tracking your count and reporting days. At the end of the month, we'll post the (positive) results.
So come on! Sign up! Get your friends to sign up! You know you wanna! (*psst* It’ll be fun!!)