June! - Post One!

Sep 15, 2013 23:26

June was a month when a lot happened! So we'll start when not so much happened and save all them trips for last...

I still love taking baths! Every other day I get a bath! Dad helps me and he washes me so nicely... Sometimes though, I put the washcloth on my head! Because it is a great hat as well, I think! It is a lot of fun to have baths!

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playing, mom, bathtime, summer-time, playground, photos, grandma

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Comments 2

relentlessfire September 26 2013, 01:49:48 UTC
Aw, she is SO CUTE!! I lol'd at her trying to get her face out of the pram cover XDD Adorable little girl you got there :)


mini_viking November 4 2013, 21:58:15 UTC
Mom says I am trying and hard! I don't think I work to hard on it though. I am just being me!

And hey. If I stay inside the cover of the pram, I won't see anything!


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