I AM AN ALIVE LIL MINI-VIKING! More photos from November!

Aug 14, 2013 16:10

I promise! But mom says I am keeping her and dad way to busy, so that's why she hasn't updated here... But she has taken photos! So have dad!

So now me, mom and dad decided that now there'll be one update every day! Until we are caught up! :-D Good, uh?

Lots have happened since last time, but we'll continue in November were we left off last time.

There's not that many photos left from November.

We visited my Uncle and my cousins in the end of November. I love my cousins, and I do think they love me! Doesn't it look like that?

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Also, they hold on to me really good!

Mom's best friend spicehobbit came and visited a lot to! She is REALLY nice! And really really likes me!

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Mom and her talk a lot when she visits, and it's a lot of fun to listen to!

I figured out how to use the baby-gym properly to! And I loved laying in it playing back then. SO MUCH FUN! Mom really liked that dress to. Said it made me look a bit like Wedneysday Addams... It was a gift from her friends astroflammante and tekiila.

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That was all from November! Next time: DECEMBER!

godmother, photos, cousins

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