Yes, you all have to suffer the longest update in existence, due to the fact that 1) I have been too lazy to update and 2) I didn't get the chance to update before I went away. (I have been in Manchester all week, hence have had no internet access!!)
So where do I start? Firstly with nights out in in Sheffield before I went away, which I will hide behind a cut as it includes photos...
Firstly, me, Sian, Jenny and Cassy had a Wednesday night out at the Leadmill, which actually proved to be very fun...
Jenny... 'because she's worth it!'
Though Leadmill, as usual, was full of dirty blokes, that just couldn't seem to take their hands off of us. It was so annoying... I captured one molesting moment on camera...
And poor Sian just can't get away...
So despite having to fight old/pervy/ugly men off, and me and Sian nearly getting into a fight with a bouncer over needing to use the toilet, it was a fun evening! Also, Cassy ended up staying over at my house afterwards when her brother refused to have a party!!
The next fun event was a BBQ that was held at our house! All in all there were about 25 people turned up, and much fun and drunkenness ensued...
My hair is just so cool that this guy wants it!
Bex BEFORE being incredibly wasted!!
Sadly there's no photos of the actual BBQ, but such is life! It was much fun though, it is so nice to actually have a real house now - as in housemates that all get on! Also it was cool, because the kerrazy landrover man from down the road held a street BBQ on the same night, so we all moved on down there for a bit too!! After the partaaay, me and Bex headed to Corp, where we got INCREDIBLY wasted and both ended up passing out at mine!
Then, last Friday we went out for Sians birthday. After spending most of the evening in the Dev Cat, we headed over to Corp and again, drunkenness and dancing followed!!
Me and Rob on the dancefloor!
Cass dancing the night away!
What's going off here then?!!
Also Jenny ended up going home with my housemate John!! How rude! It was most strange to get up the next morning to see Jenny walking down the stairs!! I have to say, it was a first - I have never had one of my friends pull one of my housemates! Weirdness!
Apart from the nights out, last week also included much sunbathing in the botanical gardens, one day I was there with Cass and Bex and another with Jenny and Steve. One of the most amusing moments was when I was with Cassy and Bex and we got all excited over what we thought was a punch and Judy Box... which actually, in the end turned out to be a pancake van! D'oh! :( We sat there waiting for a show to start so patiently too!! :(
But, of course, life isn't all play, and this week I have been in greater Manchester, analysing records of adolescent sex offenders for my dissertation. Me and my mum went up there for the week and stayed in a travel inn. I've really enjoyed it actually - as morbid as that may sound! I found it really interesting reading about the different offences and upbringings of the offenders, and actually started to feel more sorry for some of the offenders than the victims! Also, the people at the company were so nice and welcoming to me. It made me quite jealous of them for working in a place like that. I hope I end up working somewhere similar.
It was nice to get away for a week too, and it also meant that I got to spend the evenings with my mum which was nice. We don't really get much time together anymore, as every time I'm home, I either have loads of work to do, or all my friends want to catch up with me, so it was nice to be with her for a change! We went for a few meals out, ordered a take-away one night too, it was all very chilled!
Also, on Friday, I had the afternoon off, and so went into Manchester shopping! I managed to FINALLY get myself a pair of flarey cord trousers (from Afflecks - hurrah!) and also bought myself a watch with skulls on, which is rather groovy!
So that's about it really. My week away has been nice, but it has also made me a bit sad in the fact that I know how hard it is going to be for me to find a job that I really want to do. I have applied for 4 assistant psychologist jobs now, and have not been accepted for an interview by any of them. I already feel like I'm at a dead end. I did a masters degree to get myself a bit ahead of everybody else, but the fact that I have no work experience is actually setting me behind. It's so frustrating. I don't want to go into a low paid job, I want to get decent pay so that I can start saving to live in a flat or house next year, and I want to do something that I know I will enjoy.
Also I've really started missing gigging recently, I'm so, so desperate to go to a good gig. I've got myself a ticket for Muse in Sheffield, but that's aaagggees away yet - not til November! Me and Steve were MEANT to be going to the Bulldog bash, but his work are being cunts and won't give him the time off work. It's causing a lot of arguments between us (which I'm also fed up of) as if he doesn't go, it means that I can't either, as I'm not going alone! Also I'm missing a lot of my other friends who live further away at the moment (i.e Download board friends such as Cat, Bri, Phil, Carrie etc.) I think I'm just getting a bit fed up of being in one place, I want to go and see people all around the country, but don't seem to have the time, money or inclination to do it.
I need to get my life sorted!!!