Yeah, this
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mini_mia's LiveJournal
mini_mia 86
kawaii_jay 59
teriberri21 28
_over_protected 6
5Anonymous 2
Total Commenters: 5
Total Comments: 181
Report generated 6/19/2004 12:59:04 AM by
scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.1
better work.
Hey, rock on, it does! Hee hee. Isn't it sad I comment the most in my journal? Actually, I shouldn't even have this thing cause only 3 other people comment, but oh well.
Also, I am smiley now because today at work, this guy said I was pretty. It might not sound like much, but he said it (to someone else) in my native language (when he thought I only understood English). And before you get onto my back, let me bask in this moment of self vanity, will you?
Edited to add:
How to make a mini_mia
5 parts pride
1 part arrogance
3 parts empathy
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy!
Personality cocktailFrom