Let's see how this goes....

Nov 01, 2009 19:10

[An obviously young-sounding boy is on the phone. For a moment, his voice sounds far away until the voice of a drone woman tells him he's holding the receiver upsidedown, you hold it like this, dear. There you go. If you need me I'll be in the kitchen making cookies.]

Hey! The nice lady here told me I can call my friends on this thing! Kooooonzen! Ten-pii! Ken-nii!

....Nataku? Are any of you here? I thought we were s'pposed to go to the festival!

[The next part is said rather rapidly, but for the sake of clarity is being typed out as normal to save several people headaches trying to figure out what he's saying:] But this lady is making cookies an' that's just as good as a festival an' d'ya wanna come have 'em? They smell really good!

drone-mom makes the best food!, where is the sun?, foodfoodfood, what's this button do?

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