Aug 02, 2005 23:08
Nope, not "balding", flat out bald. That's me. Yes, you heard right, and you heard it here first. I'm now completely bald. Don't believe me? Ask Gev, she saw it. I finally got sick of the nagging and fighting over something so god damn trivial that I went and shaved my head completely bald. "It looks like shit Nathan, you have to get it cut." "Fine, I'll just shave it all off then." "You're not going to do that." Watch me.
I'm still working too damn much, but the season's still winding down. My last day of work is the fourteenth, so I'll have several days off to get ready to move in. My last paycheck was over seven hundred dollars, and the next one is going to be even bigger. Oh joy!
On the bright side of the female situation, I just got one girl's number, I've set up a second date with another one, and I've got a third that wants to hang out again. While I think I just wanna be friends with two of 'em, it's still a different situation for me to be in.
I've purchased a CD/ROM course in guitar theory, so hopefully I can pick a little something up and rock out a little while I'm at Mizzou. I'ma miss the whole band though; Stir's going to UM-Rolla, I'll be at Mizzou, Tommy's at SLU or UMSL or something like that, and Derby's stayin' home. Distance blows.
On the not-so-bright side of the female situation, everyone's still got a friggin' boyfriend, which sucks. I got stood up tonight, which also sucks. And I think I hate being bald.
I sat alone,
In the dark,
In silence,
And I waited.
I waited for you
In my own little world
The one of my creation
The same one I've been living in for too long.
You always come in that one,
You always show.
Then I wake up.