First Christmas Together

Dec 26, 2007 17:59

So of all the years me and Joey have been dating on and off... we have never been together for Christmas. This is the first year we are.

I Loved every minute of it... granted yeah i had this perfect idea of what was going to happen which didnt and kinda caused a little fight.... but I still loved every minute of it... it started off good and ended perfect <3

I got Joey a Key finder, because he always looses his keys and remotes. Also a t-shirt and an itunes card. He got me an Ipod, I-C-Y the penguin (its kinda like the Idog but just a penguin), and a stuffed penguin where you can record things. He recorded Merry Christmas Baby so I heard it when I opened it. =)

I loved everything... i loved watching my brother open his gifts... he was soo excited it just made me happy to see him that happy.

This Christmas was also my Aunts little babys first christmas. The baby is over 2 months old now.

Also in two days it is mine and Joeys 9 months of being together.

So practically Everything Is Great!

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