♥ 2013 Holiday Sign Ups are Now Open ♥

Aug 26, 2013 11:35

2013 mini_fest Holiday Sign Ups


banner by capitu

- If you have not already read them, please take a moment to consult the complete fest rules/guidelines.

- PROMPTS can be found HERE.

- Prompts are available for use by everyone and can be used by multiple participants.

- You may create something for your own prompt.

- If you don't see a prompt that you like, you may use your own idea as inspiration.

- You are allowed and encouraged to claim as many prompts and submit as many creations as your muse and time allow.

- All entries are due Monday, November 18, 2013. As long as it is November 18 somewhere in the world we'll gladly accept your entry on time. Posting begins 1st of December.

- Based on sign-ups and participation, reveals will be posted some time in early January. Submissions will be posted anonymously, by mini_fest_mod

- Entries are to be emailed to HPMINIFEST@GMAIL.COM (Please do not message the mod account. Email is the fastest way to communicate!) ♥

- All submissions must have a theme of any holiday held during December. This includes Christmas, Hanukkah, traditional Yule or Winter Solstice celebrations.

- The minimum word count is only 500 words. There is no maximum.

- If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the mods at HPMINIFEST@GMAIL.COM.

- Please comment here using the following form to register your interest in the fest:
Contribution: (fic, art or both)
What pairings are you likely to write or draw?
What prompt are you likely to use and what year is it from?

Thank you!

fest: mod post, fest: sign up, 2013

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