Title: How to Rehabilitate a Death Eater
Author: ???
Rating: G
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, and assorted others. Mostly a gen fic, but there’s a bit of D/G if you squint.
Prompt(s): 78
Warnings: None
Summary: Luna goes Floo-to-Floo caroling and stumbles into the flat of a rather unsuspecting Draco Malfoy. Adventure and hilarity ensues
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“Someone to carol with!” she called out firmly, and then she stepped into the swirling green flames
What a cool idea, that you can use Floo to find a type or kind of person/place rather than a specific one!
The girl who stood singing on his hearth rug, blinking overlarge blue eyes and smiling serenely at him from beneath a pair of large, jingle bell and fairy bedecked antlers...and her hair was braided with tinsel and holly
LOL! Perfect, I can just picture this :)
“When I came here, I asked for someone to carol with. Since this is where I am, that means it must be you.”
Impeccable logic.
Resigned was okay. She could work with resigned.
I have faith that she'll turn it into something much more positive :)
Luna was of the opinion that no Christmas outfit was complete without both a jumper and a hat (or some alternative type of headwear, such as antlers),
A sentiment with which I totally concur...
Smiling brightly (mostly because he seemed a little stunned every time she did it, which gave her the impression that maybe he needed to be smiled at)...
Awwwww. That's adorable!
It was a carol Draco was unfamiliar with, something silly and childish, the type of song his family would never have tolerated when he was a young.
"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas," perhaps?
Just like that, Draco found himself with an armful of squirming baby.
Oh the discombobulation!! Lovely how Draco warms up to him :)
“I am your best friend. How is it that I didn’t know you could sing?”
“We still don’t know he can sing,”
*snicker* Good point. And the decorating of Gregory is hilarious/sweet.
By the time the situation had devolved into slightly inappropriate revisions of well-known carols (courtesy of the twins)...
Ahahahahahaaa! Of course it would end up that way :D
“That’s not a knight, Draco,” she informed him. “It’s a hornless unicorn. It moves in strange shapes because it’s searching for its missing horn, but has been maddened by its loss.”
Oh my, that's perfect!! I'll think of that now every time I play chess.
One of the Other Weasleys (one of the older ones, the one with the fang earring)
Of course that would be Bill ;)
“Luna’s something special, don’t you think?
Luna really is magical, isn't she?
This was lovely in every respect -- sweet, funny, heartwarming. Wonderful job!
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