Title: A Day Off
roadkill2580Rating: PG13
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Evan Rosier, Voldemort
Prompt(s): The Death Eaters go about asking for the day off.
Warnings: mentions of torture
Summary: Evan is too scared to ask for Christmas off himself.
Word Count: 832
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.
A/N: None.
"You should ask him, you're his favorite."
"Why on earth would I ask for the day off for all of us? Christmas is a day for joy and happiness, and I can imagine no greater joy than carrying out the Dark Lord's orders," Bellatrix affected an offended air and stared down her nose at Evan Rosier. Out of bravery or stupidity, Lucius wasn't sure, Rosier met his sister-in-law's stare.
"In short, you wish to spend your holiday torturing people," Lucius said dryly. There were a few low, nervous titters in the crowd. The inner circle, the elite Death Eaters, were gathered in an impromptu meeting to discuss whether or not is was worth their skins to ask for Christmas day off. Some, like Bellatrix and the rest of the Lestranges, could care less. They were being swept up into the Dark Lord's mania and desired no break of any kind.
"My mother will bury me in an early grave if I miss another Christmas," others, like Rosier, had families who wanted their presence at home for one of the most important holidays of the year. Lucius himself wanted to be home to observe his son's first Christmas. Until he became a father, it had never occurred to him how important all of those "firsts" were. Now, he found himself regretting missing Draco's first words and his first steps, all due to Death Eater activities. Of course, his regret wasn't only due to missing such important events. He also regretted incurring his wife's anger.
"She should understand that what you're doing, what you're a part of, is for the greater good!" Bellatrix gestured wildly. She opened her mouth again to continue her rant, forcing Lucius to sigh and tune her out. Bellatrix was no doubt a loyal follower, but her devotion often led to many of these rants. Lucius did not need to be lectured about the superiority of purebloods. He of all people understood that very well. He frowned as he began considering the growing population of muggleborns.
"What about you, Malfoy? You could probably ask him," Rosier interrupted Bellatrix. Lucius arched his brow. Now he was just asking to be tortured by her. Just as he opened his mouth to respond, he was cut off.
"Ask who, what?" simultaneously, everyone in the room shuddered and seemed to hunker down into unassuming stances. A path was cleared and the Dark Lord approached the center where Rosier, Bellatrix and Lucius stood. He glanced around at the three Death Eaters, red eyes sharp and considering.
"Well? Lucius, tell me what I wish to know," the Dark Lord's gaze finally settled on him. Lucius replied swiftly, unwilling to be tortured for hesitation. There was a reason Lucius was another of the Dark Lord's favorites, and it was more than because he was good at dueling.
"Rosier proposes to have Christmas day off in order to spend some time with family," Lucius smoothly transferred any blame to his junior peer. Better him than Lucius. He planned on being coherent and coordinated this evening. The dark wizard shifted to regard Rosier, who wisely kept his eyes lowered.
"I see," the room seemed to hold its breath while the Dark Lord mulled over the imparted knowledge. He cast his eyes about the room once more and it was all anyone could do not to fidget. "I see. Indeed, a wise proposal on your part, Evan. It must be tiresome to surrounds yourselves with filth, even if it is to further our cause. Go, spend your Christmas with your families, and relieve yourselves of any taint." With that, the Dark Lord turned on his heels and walked out of the room. The room heaved a sigh when he left. Decision made, the Death Eaters slowly began to disappear one by one. Lucius was gathering his cloak and scarf and was making his way to the Apparition point when Bellatrix came up beside him.
"Yes?" Lucius refused to stop and give Bellatrix his full attention. If he gave even on inch, she'd dominate him and have him kowtowing to her in a matter of minutes.
"I am informing you that my husband, his brother and I will be spending Christmas with you and Narcissa tomorrow. It is a time for family, after all," her voice was snide, "and besides, if I don't come around often enough, Narcissa will have turned my nephew into some gutless whelp, and I won't stand for it. She always was soft." Bellatrix clucked her tongue disapprovingly.
"I'm flattered by your interest in my son's upbringing. I shall let Narcissa know of your upcoming visit," Lucius replied before moving quicker. He wanted to get home soon. They were decorating ornaments tonight and that was one tradition Lucius had managed not to miss. He couldn't wait for the day his son made his very own ornament on his own. He wondered what it would look like. Hopefully his darker activities wouldn't interfere with that either.