Jan 04, 2022 00:27


This Holiday, Be Mine. [Neville/Charlie; G]
Summary: No party is complete w/out a little bit of tongue action and getting together.

I Still Have You [Dean/Seamus; G]
Summary: It's usually during moments like this where Dean and Seamus are glad they've stuck by each other's side, even after everything they've been through.


Not Just Ornamental [Severus/Remus; 3:29; G]
Summary: Despite an absence of conventional decorations, Severus' Christmas is still perfect.


Fred's Christmas Wish [Angelina Johnson/Graham Montague, Fred Weasely; 1541; PG]
Summary: OoTP AU - There was no way in the world that it was Angelina in the arms of that knuckle-dragging, mouth breathing Graham Montague.

A Christmas Confession [Severus/Hermione; 505; T]
Summary: Hermione and Severus go for a walk after leaving the Christmas party.

Mystery Dinner [Harry/Severus; 610; PG]
Summary: Severus leaned over to Harry and asked softly, "What is it?"

If only in my dreams [Minerva/Severus; 1393; G]
Summary: It has been thirty years, but as a familiar scent brings back sudden and unbidden memories, Minerva finds herself grieving for a past she believed gone.

Reveals will be posted on 01/07/2022

fest: mod post, 2021, -art, -fic, -podfic, ^fest: weekly recap

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