Mini Fest Check-in (and submission info!)

Dec 16, 2020 15:38

Thank you everyone who has expressed interest in this year's fest!

As stated on our previous post, we'll have a very small fest this year, but mini_fest has been running for over 10 years, so I'm very excited that we still have people who want to take part in this mini event!

Here are the basics for mini_fest 2020:

• This is our 12th run of the fest!

• Posting will be on both LJ and AO3.

• The fest will be anonymous + mod posting.

• We will cross post any weekly roundups and fest masterlists to DW and tumblr.

If you'd still like to join us, please comment HERE! We'd love to have you and will work out a fair deadline for you to join us! The minimum word count is only 500 words and we happily accept all art (pencil, painting, digital, etc.), handmade crafts (holiday ornaments, dolls, cake decorating, etc), podfic, fanmixes, and more! If there's something you'd like to create, we'd love to have you join us!


Submissions will be posted anonymously, by mini-fest-mod with reveals occurring in the New Year.

We plan to post to both LJ and AO3. We've set up an AO3 collection for the fest. You can submit your fics to the collection and they will be marked as anonymous and unrevealed until the mods post them for you! If you need help posting to AO3, please let us know!

Our 2020 AO3 collection can be found here:
(please add mini_fest_mod as a co-creator)

There is also our Mini Fest Archive Collection. Please feel free to add any older works created for any previous year of the fest:

Submission Info:

Here are a few things that will make your mods' jobs easier as we receive your submissions:

- Please send your submissions to: hpminifest at gmail dot com

- Include your name in the email subject as well as 'FIC' or 'ART'.

- Include your header in the body of the email as well as in your document.

- Please place an lj-cut tag in your story.
The lj-cut text should be "The Title of your Fic". < lj-cut text="FIC TITLE" >

- Check the formatting of your fic to ensure there are manual line breaks between paragraphs.

- Include all other other html coding that is needed. You may want to test post your submission in a private entry to your journal before submitting to be sure that the coding is correct.

- Artists, as this is an anon fest, please do not sign your art. If you'd like us to provide a fest watermark for you, we are happy to do so!

- The fic/art header appears below.

Word Count/Art Medium: (Remember that the minimum is only 500 words!)
Rating: (G to NC-17)
Contains (Highlight to view): *A spoiler code is provided but if your story does not have spoilers you don't have to use this code.* Please warn for possible triggers and squicks.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: (You may put your beta's name/initials here along with any other notes.)

AO3 Link:

If you need a beta you can check with hp_betas or hp_betas_wanted. If you have done so, and are still having a problem finding someone to look over your story, please let the mods know.

Thank you very much to all who have supported the fest! We are looking forward to another celebrating the holidays with you again this year!

fest: mod post, 2020, fest: submission guidelines, fest: reminder

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