Title: There's Still a Chance
Author/Artist: ???
Pairing(s): Percy/Oliver
Prompt: second war- new year=new beginnings, breaking tradition
Word Count/Art Medium: Digital
Rating: PG-13
Contains (Highlight to view): *I mean, there's suggestion that things are going turn up a notch very soon with the unbuttoned shirt, chiselled chest, undone tie, so...*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: This was sooo fun to draw! How Oliver was able to convince Percy to go to a club with him of all places, well, I'm sure they were able to settle on a good bargain. ;P I love how fancy (and handsome) these two lads are. Hope you do too. Cheers, and enjoy!
Summary: With a fresh start ahead of them, Oliver and Percy break the tradition of attending the usual New Year's eve parties and spend their night dancing together at a Muggle club instead. They're still young. Life is short. And they both realise some things, such as: How they've fancied the hell out of each other for years. How they should have done this sooner. That they're never leaving each other again, and that they really needed to find a place away from prying eyes so they can make up for lost time.