Title: Blessing of the Mistletoe
starduchessPairing(s): Harry/Luna
Prompt: All their most significant moments happened under the mistletoe.
Word Count: 100 x 5
Rating: PG-13
Contains (Highlight to view): *mention of sex.*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Thanks to the mods for such a last minute submission.
Summary: Luna experiences a host of firsts under the mistletoe. She knows that's always a good omen.
The first time she remembers seeing magic -- watching the silver and blue sparkly light shine out of the end of her mother's flexible stick of willow wood, setting silver lights a glow around the family room of their home -- she was very small, being held by her mother in one arm while standing in the doorway. She watched in fascination as the light moved around the room, illuminating the Yuletide garland with a soft glow. She glanced all around and then pointed to a clump of mistletoe above their heads. "Happy Yule," her mother said, smiling, and kissed her cheek.
The first time Harry had acknowledged her as a true friend was during her O.W.L. year at Hogwarts. Hermione was having some trouble with a boy -- Ron, of course -- and Lua had come across her crying in the girls' water closet. She understood what it felt like to be mocked, so she had comforted the poor dear. Afterward, Harry thanked her and asked if she would join him for Slughorn's Slug Club party. Just as a friend. She accepted, pleased with the circumstance. Upon leaving Harry's side, she looked up and noted the mistletoe up in the rafters and smiled.
The first time Harry kissed her was at the first Yule party after the war. They had all returned in the fall after rebuilding Hogwarts. Luna retook all of her sixth year, since she had spent most of it in captivity, and Harry was there for his missed seventh year. Spirits were both relieved and sad. The teachers decorated for the renewal of joy and cheer, going a bit overboard with the placement of mistletoe on every doorway. Harry caught her under one, giving her the gentlest of lips. It made her quiver all the way down to her toes.
The first time Luna conceived they had just finished celebrating good fortune with all their friends. Ron had completed his first mission with the Aurors, Neville had successfully started his herbology business, Hermione had been recognized by the Ministry for her patent on time loops, Harry was finished with his Defense Mastery, and Luna had set up three magizoological trips abroad for the new year. Their guests had just left, and she was feeling in a very good mood. She pulled Harry into her arms, and they made love next to the fire and the mistletoe prominently displayed above it.
The first time her daughter remembered seeing magic was during the Yule festivities, holding on to her mother's hand while Luna cast the spell to light the silver candles in their home. They had just returned from holiday shopping and noticing all the decorations in Diagon Alley. Entering their main door, Luna lit the candles with a simple flick of her wand, only then noticing her daughter watching her. "That is magic, my dear. You'll learn to use it as well." She picked up her little girl and kissed her cheek under the entryway mistletoe, as happy as could be.