FIC: The Longest Time Away (Luna & Harry - 517 - G)

Dec 24, 2018 01:12

Title: The Longest Time Away (Or How Luna Made Cookies Of All Kind)
Author/Artist: monkiainen
Pairing(s): Luna & Harry friendship
Prompt: Cookies
Word Count/Art Medium: 517 words
Rating: G
Contains: None
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Luna does not understand Harry's obsession with gingerbread cookies. Luna's attempts with cookies are... well, Luna-like.

Luna had always prided herself of being an open-minded person. Life was too miraculous to live through it with your eyes closed, not seeing or hearing anything. There were only a few things that would shock Luna, and, well, what she had learned today was definitely one of those things.

Luna liked to think that she and Harry were friends. She might not always understand Harry's tendencies to get in trouble with dark wizards and his unwavering compulsion to save everyone, but that what's a true friendship is really about - to be there for your friend no matter what. Despite the popular opinion, Luna knew exactly what the others thought of her and her views of the world. She had chosen to ignore the narrowmindedness a long time, and so far it had suited her well.

That was, of course, before Luna had learned something shocking about the man she had thought was her friend. It made Luna question everything about their relationship, starting from that day in her fourth year when she first talked to Harry.

Harry loved gingerbread cookies! How was that even possible, Luna didn't know. Everyone knew that gingerbread cookies had wiggentree bark in them, and they attracted Bowtruckles like nothing else. So why would anyone want to eat gingerbread cookies was a mystery to Luna. Then again, Harry had been raised by his Muggle relatives who probably didn't know a thing about wiggentree bark or Bowtruckles, so it wasn't really Harry's fault he didn't know any better. This Christmas Luna would make sure Harry would learn the truth, and would find a new favourite Christmas-time cookie.

Luna's first attempt at convincing Harry why gingerbread cookies were not so good was a batch of bacon chocolate chip cookies. Luna thought they were delicious, but perhaps she should have mentioned the bacon part after Harry had tasted the cookies. Harry was clearly disgusted with the idea of having bacon in his cookies, and thus refused to even taste them. Oh well. Back to the kitchen, then.

Luna's second attempt with cookies were lemon-lime basil cookies, and this time she didn't tell Harry beforehand what the cookies contained. How was she supposed to know Harry was highly allergic to citrus fruits and got rash after tasting her cookies? Luckily St. Mungo's had a ward just for that, but it still meant Luna had to come up with a new cookie recipe once again.

The third attempt was chili chocolate cookies. Luna really had no idea whether or not this was going to be the cookie Harry would love - what if they were too spicy? Or not spicy enough? To Luna's joy Harry absolutely loved the chili flavoured cookies and declared them to be his new favourite. Mission accomplished!

Now Luna just had to get rid of all the gingerbread cookies Harry had stashed around his house. It would have been a lot easier if she didn't have to worry about Bowtruckles trying to attack her. Oh well. It was a small price to pay - after all, now she didn't have to worry about Harry eating gingerbread cookies ever again!

rating: g, 2018, character: harry potter, -fic, character: luna lovegood

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