2018 Sign-Ups are NOW OPEN!

Sep 02, 2018 02:15

mini_fest Holiday Sign Ups

- If you have not already read them, please take a moment to consult the complete fest rules/guidelines.

- PROMPTS can be found HERE.

- Prompts are available for use by multiple participants.

- You may create something for your own prompt.

- If you don't see a prompt that you like, you come up with your own idea or inspiration.

- You are allowed and encouraged to claim as many prompts and submit as many creations as your muse and time allows.

- All submissions must have a theme of any holiday held during December. This includes but is not limited to Christmas, Hanukkah, traditional Yule, Winter Solstice celebrations, or New Years.

- All entries are due Tuesday, November 25, 2018. As long as it is November 25 somewhere in the world we'll gladly accept your entry on time.

- Entries are to be emailed to HPMINIFEST@GMAIL.COM.

- The minimum word count is only 500 words and there is no maximum.

- If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the mods at HPMINIFEST@GMAIL.COM.

- Please comment here using the following form to register your interest in the fest:

Contribution: (fic, art, both)
What pairings are you likely to write or draw?
What prompt are you likely to use and what year is it from?

(Comments are not screened.)

Thank you!

2018, fest: mod post, fest: sign up

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