2015 Fest Rules/Guidelines!

Aug 10, 2015 12:53

Same rules as always, reposted for convenience!

Mini Fest Guidelines/Rules

# mini_fest is a prompt based fest. If you cannot find something that inspires you from the current list of prompts, check the lists from previous years and see if something inspires you from there.

# Fic submissions must be at least 500 words long. There is no upper word limit, so if you want to write something that is 30,000 words you are more than welcome to.

# Submissions can be any rating, any pairing/moresome, and any genre. This applies to both fic and art.

# All submissions must have a theme of any holiday held during December. This includes Christmas, Hanukah, Traditional Yule, Winter Solstice, or New Years celebrations.

# Prompts are available for use by everyone and can be used by multiple participants.

# You can use as many prompts as you wish, in any combination you wish. E.g Harry and Draco want to go somewhere warm for the holidays, Picture prompt of a beach, "I'm sick of freezing my bits off", watching an eclipse.

# You are more than welcome to submit more than one entry. The more the merrier.

# Art can be any of the following: Traditional art (pencil, painting, digital etc.), photo manipulations, graphics or handmade crafts e.g Christmas tree ornaments.

# Chan is allowed, providing it is properly warned for.

# Participation is through registering your interest on the sign-up post and giving an indication if you will submit Fic, Art or Both. Sign ups will close one week before entries are due.

# All entries must be emailed to HPMINIFEST at GMAIL dot COM

# There will be no penalties if you cannot fulfill your registered interest in this fest. December is a busy time of year for everyone, and this is supposed to be fun and relaxed, everyone knows that Real Life gets in the way of our fandom lives from time to time.

# Don't forget to to add mini_fest to your friends list, so that you don't miss any important information regarding the fest.

# If for whatever reason you need to pull out please just email the mods HPMINIFEST at GMAIL dot COM and let them know that you need to pull out.

# If you’re submitting fics please ensure that it has been beta read, is free from errors and that you are happy for it to be posted as it is received. If for whatever reason your regular beta is unavailable let the mods know and we will see what we can do.

# Fic must have all relevant HTML coding for bold, italics, centering and anything else that you require for your fic. If you are unfamiliar with HTML phoenixacid has a beginners guide to HTML here

# Please use the following header:
Word Count/Art Medium: (Remember that the minimum is 500 words!)
Rating: (G to NC-17)
Contains (Highlight to view): *Please warn for possible triggers and squicks.*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: (You may put your beta's name/initials here along with any other notes.)

# Submissions are due on November 20, approximately two weeks before posting which starts on December 1.

# Submissions will be posted anonymously, by mini_fest_mod with reveals occurring in the New Year, within the first week of January.

# Any questions can be sent to HPMINIFEST at GMAIL dot COM.

fest: mod post, 2015, fest: guidelines

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