Oct 22, 2006 23:29
I'm quite fed up again today. Fed up of having, yet again, to jusitfy my actions to other people. So I gave you a valid piece of information, for once in you life listen then you won't end up with your hair falling out (beccy this ain't about you mate). Plus everytime you talk to me I feel like a lowlife piece of shit. So I have a different music taste, so I dress differently to your ex, don't take out whatever peoplke do to you on me. I didnt do anything wrng to you, yet you wonder why I talk to you like a piece of shit, ever heard of treat others how you want to be treated? If I acted like you Stan would drop me quicker than his 1st dump of the day. I'm not a piece of shit.....you are. Your the one who degrades people on looks, tastes in music or how they live. Prolem is me and Stan do waaaaay more than you do and you know it, your just a lazy fuck who can't hold down a relationship because you can't even clean your own body most days.
Fuck it....I'm out