May 09, 2011 07:17
The weather is probably the first thing you noticed since the weekend, that suffocating stuffiness that just rests like a blanket all over the place, and sleep last night was rather erratic too. I can totally sense how that bodes well for the week.
To be stupid and push myself for the route march even though my leg might not be able to take it, or to play safe and just fall out halfway and thus forfeit the march? is a big question, is a very big question indeed...
Sometimes you think you know people when you see them, then you observe them for a while more, and you begin to see a different side to them, and you realise how far off your reading was. So that's me being perceptive, not judgmental. Then there are these group known as idiots, who just repeatedly give off this certain vibe about them that screams "warning, screwed up person around", and you apply your perceptive nature to the situation and give them the benefit of doubt. Only when others dish out their assessments of said person do you begin to regret giving them any quarter at all. Yes, in spite of being Perceptive according to the MBTI (Meyer Briggs something test), i do believe that there's a very small subset of people in this world who are really really screwed up. Life is this game, this game of reading people and not allowing unauthorised access to your inner person, and it is tiring, very tiring. But when you let your guard down, you get burned, you get burned by people you thought you could trust. When you let your heart rule your head and move your hands, you get burned. That's why the phrase "think before you speak/act" has been timely advice time and time again.
I'm not writing coherently, the stomachache calls out.
kinda miss you already