The valley of dry bones

Mar 01, 2011 23:07

Can't believe how God set up a divine appointment tonight. Came back from reporting at the Guard House for SOL (Stoppage of Leave, remember the post about me misfiring my SAR 21?) at 2000hrs and decided to take a nice long run to think things through, sweat off my pent up frustrations and actually feel my heart pump and my muscles stretch (i feel limber and nimble now). After about 2km i passed this guy and asked if he wanted to run together. I don't know what made me do that, been a while since i actually had the gumption to speak like that. I would, of course, find out later that this was a divine appointment from God, a scheduled meeting. SO we ran and we talked and we shared, and it was almost surreal. It seemed like those days where people would just walk on the streets of Jerusalem or Galilee and share about Jesus, tell fo his wondrous signs and miracles. Interestingly enough, he was running that night for the exact same purpose as I was: to run and think and pray. No doubt about it, He set this up. So we both encouraged each other and talked about the perils of NS to a Christian (believe me, this place is littered with such pitfalls) and we ended up praying in Chevron's square under a cloudless sky. Thanks Ezekiel, you were a godsend no doubt about it.

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