My e-mail has been sporadic all day…if you need me, use my g-mail savvix at and I’ll answer…provided I don’t take a hammer to the laptop first.
Happy Birthday,
geekluvinskater! Happy Birthday to you!
meme, LFAS, concrit, Serenity fic )
If Serenity doesn’t feel right, Kaylee knows; feels it like a mother wakes from the dead sleep of deepest night to hurry unbidden to the side of a babe, feeling a sudden fever, wiping away a sleeping tear This line is plainly perfect.
I know, concrits are useful and needed to improve, but I think, to find a forum like lastficstanding where all writers are playing by it´s rules is the best way to get concrits, because they mean business and you know they don´t want to "hurt" you but help you.
I have to confess that I follow the "If you don't have anything nice to say..." philosophy of commenting. Since I´m a non-native speaker I would never dare to "rub salt in someones wound."
I know by experience, how hard it is to write a good story (in german in almost the same manner like in english) so I stick to this "philosopie" unless someone would ask me to make a concrit (as far as I´m able to do so).
Hey, and I pretty much enjoy your "dog opera"-story. That rather funny!
Hugs, Heike
Thank you for your kind words are always so lovely and generous with comments and support. You mean the world to me. *hugs*
And the dog opera is very funny. They play with each other through the fence when nobody is looking...but when they see me coming it's major dog drama.
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