Criminal Minds Wedding Fest Fic

Sep 30, 2010 17:54

Title: If At First…
Author: mingsmommy
Pairing: Dave/Emily
Spoilers: Through all aired episodes, but not really
Rating: R/FRM
Author's Notes: Written for the cmrossiprentiss Wedding Fest Ficathon. My prompt was Wedding Night.

Thanks to smacky30 for the quick beta. She’s the best. Credit for the idea goes to losingntrnslatn.

The rain falls against the windows, landing with a light tap then silently sliding down the glass, leaving damp trails in its wake.

“I hope you’re not taking the rain as a bad omen.” Dave slips his arms around Emily’s waist, the calluses on his hands catching against the skin-warmed silk of her red nightgown. He catches her quick smile in the darkened window pane and smiles back.

“Hmmm.” She leans back against his bare chest. “How have we gotten this far without you knowing I love the rain?”

He bends his head and kisses the side of her neck. “That’s not what you said when it rained last week.” He rubs his goatee against her shoulder. “If I recall correctly, you were cursing the rain and threatening to move to the desert.”

“Ah,” she says, turning in his arms, “that was because I had to leave a nice warm bed with my sexy boyfriend in it to go out and drive to work in the rain.”

He makes a face at her. “Sexy boyfriend? Who is he? I’m going to have to have a talk with him.”

She smiles and leans up to kiss the corner of his mouth. “Well, he’s my sexy husband now.”

Dave closes his eyes at the feel of her nails scratching against the short hairs at the base of his neck. “I don’t know about the sexy part, but I’m pretty damn glad about the husband part.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she presses her silk clad breasts against him. “Me, too.”

Threading his fingers through her hair, he tilts her head back and covers her mouth with his, savoring the push of her lips against his, the slightly sweet taste of her lip gloss and the way her mouth opens under his. He makes a greedy noise and pulls her a little closer, sliding his tongue against her bottom lip, then past it, tasting the wine they had with dinner and the sweetness from the piece of wedding cake he’d fed her.

Slowly, breathing just a little heavier than he had been a few moments before, Dave pulls back and rests his forehead against hers. “Are you sure this is all right? You know I’d take you anywhere you wanted.”

“I know.” She sighs, but it sounds contented and he brushes a tender kiss across her temple in response. “But I wanted to be here at home with you.” Leaning away from him slightly, she looks up into his eyes, her own gaze warm and open. “Besides, we spend too much time on the road…I don’t want to spend my wedding night traveling, especially when we’ll probably be headed out on a case Monday morning.” Leaning against him, she smiles. “You might be an old hand at this, but this is the only wedding night I’m going to have and I want to enjoy it.”

He swipes his thumb across her lower lip. “I can’t believe you married me.”

Laughing a little, Emily presses her lips to his thumb. “I can’t believe they actually let you have another marriage license.”

“Hey, now.” He mock frowns at her. "That's not very romantic."

“Seriously, Dave, I’m surprised they didn’t say, ‘We’re sorry, Mr. Rossi, you’re just not very good at this; we’re revoking your right to commit matrimony.’”

“Then I would have just had to convince them I finally got it right this time; I’d have brought them around.” His arms slide around her waist and pull her snug against him.

Her eyebrows go up in a challenging look and she sucks her cheeks in in an expression that is equal parts amused and dubious. “Oh, really? How would you do that?”

“First, I’d explain the others had been mistakes." He kisses her, a quick press, mouth to mouth, just because he can't help himself. "Really, if they’d been doing their job to begin with, I'd never have been married before."

Emily quirks an eyebrow. "S'that so?"

"Mmmhmm." He pauses in his argument to briefly nuzzle her neck, inhaling the light citrus scent of her shampoo before continuing. "They should have known I was too young--and by extension, stupid--to get married the first time."

One elegant finger traces the ridge of his ear with a maddeningly light touch. "I bet you didn't think so at the time."

Dave snorts. "Ever known a kid willing to admit they were young and stupid?"

"I don't know anyone willing to admit they're any age and stupid." She kisses the corner of his lip.

"Exactly. Which brings me to my second marriage license..."

She hums an inquiry, lightly scratching her nails through his hair.

"I was drunk when I proposed; knew it was a mistake as soon as I sobered up, but had too much pride and ego to admit it..."

"Had?" she questions.

He ignores her. "...And I went through with it anyway."

"So," she draws the word out as she presses herself against him, "that's youth and stupidity for the first and drunkenness and pride for the second. What about the third?"

Her eyes are warm and her smile is soft, her breasts are pressing against his chest and he’s starting to find it difficult to concentrate on anything but the feel of her here in his arms. "Hmmm, that would be a combination of all of the above. So, you see, not my fault I've been licensed when I shouldn't have been."

Emily gives a little laugh. "And this is the good people at the Marriage Bureau's"

"Well, if they made it at least as hard as getting your driver's license, you'd be my first marriage," he states firmly.

"Interesting theory." Her lips brush his ear. "How do you know they would have given you a license this time if it required anything more than showing up with your birth certificate?"

"Well, first, they'd take one look at you and know I was marrying the most beautiful woman in the world. They'd think I was the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the planet and they couldn't say no." He touches his lips to hers again, a little longer this time, a little more pressure, a little more heat.

"Flatterer." She gives a husky laugh when he breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against hers.

"I only speak the truth," he responds, his voice deep and just a little raspy. "Then I would explain to them, quite clearly, that not only are you that beautiful, but you're also smart." One hand begins a heated glide up and down the soft material of her nightgown. She presses even closer to him, exerting a little pressure on his pajama clad erection and he gives an involuntary groan. "No, brilliant. You're brilliant. And funny. And you can kick the ass of any man around."

Emily, for her part, is grinning, as well as grinding just a little against him. "I'm liking the way you're presenting your argument, here."

"And then--" He cups her chin and looks into her eyes. "--I would explain to them that I should never have been given a license those other times because I have never felt this way about anyone else and though I might have been married before, this is the only one that counts. The last one, the one that's going to last."

Her lower lip trembles slightly even though she's smiling. "That's good to know." She stretches up and pulls his head down, and then it's just Dave and Emily, lips and tongues, wet heat and warm breath. He's lost to it, perfectly in the moment, so completely part of the kiss he forgets everything but the taste of her, the feel of her, the scent of her. He moans a little into her mouth and she answers.

"Emily." His lips move against hers; he has to say her name, has to hear it, feel it on his tongue just the way he felt her lips and tongue, just to remind himself she's here, this is real and they're here together. He mouths a kiss to her chin, her cheek, her temple, heaving breath stirring her hair.

"Dave." Her voice sounds breathy. It's sexy...she's sexy and he is so lost in her he feels a little crazy and entirely overwhelmed with sensation and feeling. "You know what I've never done?"

Dave's so caught up in the feel of her it takes him a minute to hear what she just said, but it sinks in after a slight processing delay. "What?" His voice is far rougher than usual and he hopes she knows it's because of how much he wants her.

"I--" She licks a stripe up his neck. "--have never made love to a married man."

"Really?" he asks, trying to sound only mildly curious. "Is that something you'd be interested in doing?" His attempt at blase is completely ruined by the shiver he gives when she sucks his earlobe into her mouth.

"Oh, at this moment, it's all I'm interested in," she affirms.

"Well." He clears his throat. "Since I've just promised to do anything I can to make you happy, why don't we start there?"

"Mmmm." She throws her head back as he begins kissing the delicate skin of her neck, as he walks her back towards the bed. "Is this whole making me happy thing just for our wedding night?'

"No." Gently, he lays her on the bed. "It's for the rest of our lives."


criminal minds, fanfiction

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