Title: A Hinge in the Air, Chapter 1
mingsmommyPairing: Emily Prentiss/David Rossi
Spoilers: Everything through Season 5
Rating: FRT/PG13 (Subject to change in later chapters)
Author's Notes: During the bidding for
wojelah was kind enough to bid on and won my fic offering. When I couldn't make the February 15 deadline, she graciously agreed to extend.
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Comments 42
I'm already in a ridiculously tearful mood tonight, and I needed this dreadfully. And the squee of sheer delight when he complimented her! And Elizabeth being a sympathetic character! And Emily's awkwardness and desire to do the right thing. You are so bloody good at characterizing them that sometimes it makes me despair over my own writing.
Thank you so, so much!
Seriously. This was a fantastic start. I loooove the Ambassador encouraging Emily to date Rossi. And Rossi being all James Bond wearing the tux and saving Emily and her Mom. *swoons*
I can't wait for more :)
I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Thanks!
I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. It means a lot to me. Thanks!
This is definitely some of your best work and I'm not just saying that because I have seen how much thought and work you have put into it - it's some of your best work because you love it and you love them and bleeds through so beautifully - the reader can't help but love them the way you do.
Some favorite bits:
"Such a suave and debonair gentleman as yourself must own a tuxedo, yes?" A finely arched brow cocks challengingly in his direction.
The mental image of Garcia stalking Rossi is SO VIVID and is made even more gleeful by the fact that we now have PROOF of this ownership. ;)
It's not that she thinks Rossi wouldn't be a good date, it's just sort of like the time in fourth grade when her best friend tried to get the most popular boy in class to skate with her by giving him a dollar.I swear this was a later addition and it ( ... )
I cannot thank you enough. You are beyond awesome and I am so gratefuo for your help. Thank you SO much for everything.
Dude. We need to see that on the show. OH WAIT.
You are that POWERFUL...I'm serious, I am going to write them doing all kinds of things and you need to TYPE THOSE WORDS.
You are beyond awesome.
Bumping his arm against hers he says, "So, wanna go watch the interrogation?" I laughed out loud at that. Oh, team. You are so very messed up in awesome ways. <3
And then I laughed again at the end: “Crazy guy with a gun, Prentiss.” He drops some bills on the table and stands.
She nods. “That’s one option.” Oh, Emily. You've got her perfectly. :)
Aren't they just?
Thank you so, so, SO much for the amazing and kind words. I am so glad you liked it. Thank you so much, I appreciate you reading and commenting.
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