Mar 06, 2010 14:44
I had a discussion with my husband recently about Superheros that was started by his hearing a conversation between students and a teacher about if superheros are good role models or not and one of the students mentioned that all the female Superheros are well...kinda slutty looking.
That got us in a discussion of female Superheros and how their represented and the truth is the only classic on her own Superhero that had the same billing as the guys was Wonder Woman. Yeah she had a bit of a slutty outfit but as I recall in the cartoons and stuff she was the only female Superhero who got kinda equal footing with the guys. Yeah a lot of the other women did rock hard at times (I saw an old Superman Cartoon once and Lois Lane flew a plane to a mad scientists tower to get a story, she was awesome....unfortunately she still had to rely on Superman to save her) but no other female in the Superhero role really got the respect that Wonder Woman got, which is probably why I still love her. I know that Jean Grey is by far the most powerful creature that's exisited in Comic Land as the Phoniex and Black Phoniex but! She was part of a team.
I know there are more hard fighting on their own women now, but there are also more stories of women as whores, or being raped to get back at the men etc etc etc.
It seems strange that if you were to ask most people about female superheros the only one most could respond with is Wonder Woman, and it's frustrating and sad and angry making.
But hey, at least we have Wonder Woman, that's a step.