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Oct 09, 2007 22:06

Congratulate me. I got accepted into Architecture.
Sounds all great but it's a bed of roses with lots of pricky thorns in it. Only those in it understand.
I am not complaining though.

But I do think if I am competent enough. Yeah, I have to think about that, you know? It's like..GOSH..of all things. Not to say I am competent. But it should be the last on my list to worry about.

I wanna enjoy studying it. It's high time for me to stop being the way I am in sec schools and jcs. I should start being myself. And being good at what I can be. Stop being stupidly self-conscious and just bloom like that stalk of rose. Whatever.

I am just grumpy today. But it's really great news for me when I saw the email from NUS. The whole process of transfer was hassle-free though I did remind them not to ignore my letter of request initially, in a pretty threatening manner. Haha.

Gosh, busy 5years of study for my degree in Archi. And it's really busy busy busy. And I am hearing a lot of shit about Archi actually but I wouldn't want to let these stop me from studying Archi itself. Actually for all I know, I may not practise Archi. Things are just so unpredictable, to round it up. Seriously, I didn't expect my transfer to be successful. Maybe I am jus good. MUAHAHAHAHA. I take that back.

I really take that back. Haha..Booking in again. Shit work. Shit asses. Whatever.

Another reason for me to get over with what I am doing asap. Can't wait for that day to come. In many more months' time.
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