
Sep 11, 2005 22:22

This is so embarassing. I've never felt so stiff and tired the day after a skirmish. Even had to nap this afternoon and I'm still feeling drained. I suppose, as it was a woodland rather than urban site yesterday ie softer ground, I was throwing myself around a lot more than usual but even so... My sister's taking the view it's just a sign I'm getting old. Bah.

She also appears to be somewhat freaked by my near-accident yesterday and has suggested several times today I "should be giving up all you dangerous hobbies", specifically airsofting and re-enactment.

Got another Stupid O'Clock flight in the morning - foolishly agreed to accompany sister and couple of her friends from Hong Kong for a few days in Provence. Back Thursday morning. Really shouldn't - got load of project work I should be getting on with...


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