"You've lost that lovin' feeling.." - Nokia/Microsoft

Feb 11, 2011 17:28

Heh. Keep meaning to post about Christmas/New Year in Malaysia/Singapore and other things (like a rant about Andrew Neil's Posh and Posher programme) for ages. I finally get round to it and it's about mobile phones!

It's blindingly obvious that I've been a Nokia fanboy for a long time, for over a decade and even loved working for them as a consultant. Hell, there's no other client where I've actually spent my own money to buy their branded promo gear!

However, that loyalty was largely because I was convinced that they were producing the superior products (the 7110 as per the icon for this post is still, in my view, one of the greatest ever physical mobile designs) and, it has to be said, since Apple's entry into the marker, they have struggled to respond.

My last phone, the N97 was almost a great phone. The two things that hobbled it were an increasingly clunky Series 60 user interface and inadequate RAM (bizzarre given it shipped with 32GB mass storage!). I've really liked it but I had also told myself that Nokia needed to sort themselves out by next upgrade. Problem is that my contract is just about due now and what does Nokia have to offer as an upgrade?

Answer: not an awful lot - I had great hopes for the N9 which had a similar form factor to the N97 (touchscreen and mini-QWERTY keyboard) running the Meego OS but rumour has it that, as part of the big new strategic alliance with Microsoft and the migration to Windows Phone 7, it's been canned with a possibility of a brain transplant from Meego to Windows Phone 7.

So, what does this mean for me? Most likely next phone is going to be an HTC Desire Z or Desire HD. The unthinkable isn't actually all that hard once you cross the initial Rubicon! Oh well, guess I'll catch up with what Nokia/MS are up to in 18 months time but, until then, vaya con Dios...

Bring back that loving feeling
Now it's gone gone gone
And I can't go on


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