BSG conference programme

Jul 26, 2007 09:50

Received last night by email. All 26 pages of it! Think it's going to be a pretty intense day... Details below:
BSG 2007
The Politics, Poetics and Philosophy of Battlestar Galactica
A One Day Symposium

28 July 2007
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

Registration: Owen Harris Foyer

Opening Comments- All of this has happened before…: OH1

Time, Myth, History: OH1

Jean-Paul Martinon (Goldsmiths College): Keep the Clock Running: Time and Temporal Experience in Battlestar Galactica

Greg Singh (BCUC/University of Reading) “It’s all just a little bit of history repeating”: Time, Mythology, and Regeneration in Battlestar Galactica

Esther MacCallum-Stewart (SMARTlab, The University of East London) Chocks Away! Breaking the ‘History’ Formula in Battlestar Galactica

11: 45am
Politics, Philosophy and Religion: OH1

Chair: Greg Singh

David Roden (Open University) Cylons in the Original Position: The Limits of Posthuman Justice

Pil and Galia Kollectiv (Independent) The Political Theology of Battlestar Galactica

Richard Berger (Bournemouth University) Re-designing the Designer: Adapting Polytheism in Battlestar Galactica

Lunch: OH1.10

Race, Gender, Sexuality: OH1

Marko Meenakshi A L I E N Hutsch (AG Queer Studies, Hamburg, Germany) The Starbuck Dilemma

Elspeth kydd (University of the West of England) The Look and Feel of Humanity: Cylons and the "Passing" Narrative in Battlestar Galactica

Ewan Kirkland (BCUC) Starbuck as Sacrificial Heroine: Patriarchal Punishment or Mythical Transcendence?

Tea, Coffee, Biscuits: Owen Harris Foyer

A) Performance, Identity, Selfhood: OH1

Caroline Ruddell (St, Mary’s University College) In Flux: Performativity, Technology, Identity and the Postmodern Subject in BG

Sergio Dias-Branco (University of Kent) Labyrinths of the Self: Different Characters and Identical Bodies in Battlestar Galactica

Jennifer Harwood-Smith (Trinity College) Anxiety of Identity in Battlestar Galactica

B) Genre, Audience, Institution: OH2

David Hipple (University of Reading) Being Unreal: the Intellectual Appeal of Battlestar Galactica

Natasha Whiteman (Institute of Education, University of London) Genre, ‘Quality Television’ and the Sci-Fi Network: The Case of Battlestar Galactica

Dylan Pank & John Caro (University of Portsmouth) “Haven’t you heard? They look like us now?” Realism and Metaphor in Battlestar Galactica

Closing Comments- All of this will happen again…: OH1

5: 30pm
Close, Drinks, Food: The Glass House…


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