Gong Xi Fa Cai

Feb 18, 2007 01:39

Well, Happy Chinese New Year, all and welcome to the Year of the Pig.

Had a very pleasant evening - New Year steamboat dinner hosted by cousins rjatsy and Min (yes, that can get confusing at family gatherings!), most enjoyable food, company and conversation.

Journey there proved to be a bit of a nightmare though, highlighting limitations of GPSs, especially for routes through city centres. Software estimated 40 minutes, I allowed 60, it took 90. Grr... Oddly, the return journey plotted proved to be very different and rather more sensible. Oh well, reinforces my conclusion that if you think you know better than the Tomtom's suggestion, you probably do. Heh. Maybe it's time to upgrade to v6 and see if it's improved much.

Occurs to me the next few weekends are looking distinctly booked out.
  • 23-25 Feb: Redemption
  • 2-4 March: UNIT Planetfall lasertag game, plus The Men They Couldn't Hang in Kettering on the Friday. And the Norfolke Trayned Bandes is having its annual banquet this weekend too.
  • 10-11 March: Airsofting under discussion. Seems elements of Team Sheep want to come out of Winter quarters earlier than usual. Options are Elite Epsom bunker on the Saturday or Fort Widley on the Sunday. Am seriously thinking about doing both
  • 16-18 March: TMTCH at 100 Club on the Friday, Invicta fencing in Canterbury. Following discussion with Graham, am tempted to do both epée and foil ie both days which would almost certainly entail staying over - really don't fancy getting up to drive down for 8.30am checkins on two successive days. Then again, the re-enactors' markets are also on this weekend...

And on top of this, following an exchange of emails, I also rather want to pop along to Schola Gladiatoria to take a look, most likely the Monday after Redemption in Muswell Hill or the Tuesday in Ealing but the latter would entail missing fencing at ULU.

cons, airsoft, fencing, family, re-enactment, tech

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