Beer Bad

Aug 08, 2003 14:46

Well, not really... I went to the Great British Beer Festival at Olympia last night, running slightly late because I'd had a meeting with a chap who wanted to talk to me about this consulting firm he wanted to establish. Anyway, GBBF has become something of an annual get-together with fencing and airsofting friends but we were a tad thin on the ground yesterday, just one from each side plus me, due to a variety of reasons: work, finances, other commitments etc.

Still, had fun sampling lots of oddly-named beers, including a moderately lethal Lithuanian brew called Utenos Porteris (saw the flag and just had to try something from that counter!). A friend tried the Imperial Russian Stout with a 10% strength, scary stuff. Overheard at the Russian beer counter: "Baltika 4 [a Russian brew]? Sounds like a fucking nuclear warhead!". Heh. Who says beer appreciation's not an intellectual pursuit? :-)

Also got myself a Shepherd-Neame/Spitfire t-shirt with "No Fokker comes close" on the back. Subtle.

Anyway, should be packing as I'm off to Edinburgh/Roslin Castle for a week tomorrow with Liz, Jon, Peter and others.


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