Jun 29, 2010 15:41
k, i'm pissed beyond rational, coherent thought so i'm just going to let it all spill out as it sees fit.
ok, the perpetration of blatant violence, brutality, and all around human rights violations in all other forms by the police on protestors (regardless of whether they themselves were violent or peaceful - that should be irrelevant when the vast majority are unarmed citizens) in itself sickens and deeply disturbs me, but to add to this, everyone in my fucking house is totally pro-state, pro-police, and invoking "blame the victim" discourse in their explanations as to why innocent people (or not) were treated as they were over the course of the G20.
are you seriously THAT fucked in the head to justify the senseless beatings, depravity, and denial of other human rights (such as medical attention and legal counsel) as just "what they should've expected" when engaging with riot police????? REALLY?! so, my exercising my RIGHT to self-expression and free speech is in fact sufficient to warrant my arrest, or even a physical beat down, humiliation (in the cases of those that were ridiculed by police or forced to endure a public strip search/to urinate-defecate in front of police), and denial of legal and medical aid? and of course to be held with no charge? or what about those that were fucking detained and beaten for merely being within the proximity of a protest but were otherwise not involved? or the case of those with various (dis)abilities that were arrested for "non-compliance" despite their disability being the a barrier for their choice to comply or not?
I fucking hate it here.
it was an unfortunate (given that this shit happened at all) but delicious reprieve to see sarah, rya and jade yesterday; the home political and psychic atmosphere was driving me into dangerous feelings of extreme isolation and alienation - not unlike how i remember most of my teenage years. scary. but you guys TOTALLY saved me. it was reassuring to feel wholly validated, and to feel like i could express my opinion and not feel any heat from it.
k, really just had to get that out. i was/am inconsolably frustrated with all this shit, and it stings just a little more with the fact that where i live is a major factor preventing me from participating in movements/rallies/demonstrations of solidarity.
my heart and energy are with all those that have suffered (and those that continue to suffer) in any form from the events of G20.