Dark Belgian Chocolate... Principality Champions.

May 28, 2007 07:35

I did alright this weekend. I finished in 6th place and was the last squire standing. However it was bittersweet. A few of my fights were messy and odd. I didn't like the fact that there was tips and little things coming in, and in my final fight against Sir Sigurd, I apparently missed what looked like an obvious shot to my offside (at least from the videos I was looking at).

Sir Racknar stopped the fight and asked me about it and what bothered me the most about it was the fact that I never felt even a slight tap to that side? Granted Sir Sigurd and I were just going to town on each other and in speaking with him he noted that he didn't think that he had gotten me.

I'm still a little troubled by the fact that I didn't even notice the shot coming in. After some thoughts, I speculate it's my armour. I can only guess that Sir Sigurd hit me perfectly on the edge of my front plate and side plate simultaneously which would have transfered the energy across the two plates. I also suspect that my plates being constructed of 12 oz hardened leather, 1/4" foam, and 14 gauge steel plate might have something to say about being hit there.

Sir Sigurd assured me that he felt that there was nothing that I missed and also talked with all of the other fighters I fought to make sure that they were all satisfied with my fights with them.

Sir Racknar talked to me later and assured me that even after discussions with the Chiv, that I came out looking good. So for the future I just need to be a little cleaner. I gather the knights expect me to be more skilled and able to block even the messy stuff, rather than make an arbitrary decision that I was hit too light... (I guess that's what Racknar meant about the strikes/skill level - after all, its all about appearances)

So after resting my shoulder from Coronet, I think it's recovered well enough to continue fighting. I think some of my gauging issues might be related to the fact that I hadn't fought in over 5 weeks. Either way I think it's time to go back to practice and work out some of these issues.

A good event overall, and despite some of the hang-ups, people did say nice things to me and patted me on the back for going as far as I did. Lots of compliments on my defense and my aggressiveness. I got legged only twice which was both with Knights who I also legged at the same time as well. I only have one bruise from the weekend so it validates with me that I missed very little. My first fight was a double and I acknowledged that one even though it was a light shot to my head, so at least I can walk away proudly knowing that occasionally we fall from grace and we all need to perfect a minor flaw here or there.

I'm seeing things within myself which seems to be just this slight edge that I need sharpen ever so much and I think I can match the knights with. Aside from the sloppy stuff that made some contact, I feel with some practice I can get my form up and really show my mettle.

Anyhow something for me to think about... and hey, well I got other things to think about as well :)

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