Give It Back [Fic][One-shot]

Nov 26, 2006 00:55

Title: Give “It” Back!
Rating: G
Pairing: Yoosu, Minsu and ending with yoominsu and a bit of Jaeho
Summary: DBSK in there primary school days (around year 1 ^^;)

A/N: this is suppose to be "cute"ish so try to imagine it in a cute way and them as little kids ^^. Hope you enjoy the story.

Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin sat next to each other on one row. Jaejoong and Yunho sat behind them. They’re teacher was showing them how to do additions with their fingers.

“5 + 4 = ?, if you know the answer raise your hand.” The teacher asked the class. Changmin, being the smart kid he was, put his hand up straight in the air waving it around frantically for the teacher to notice him. Junsu leaned over to Changmin and asked him for the answer. Changmin looked at Junsu happily and told him that the answer was 9. Being the Junsu he was, he too raised his hand and leaned over to tell Yoochun the answer as well. Changmin wasn’t happy that Junsu had told Yoochun the answer, Changmin never did like Yoochun and they weren’t that good of friends. Every time that they were together, it would end up with them fighting over one thing or another. Yoochun, being the Yoochun he was, put his hand up as the teacher asked him for the answer. Getting the answer correct, the teacher handed Yoochun a lollipop for being able to get right answer. Yoochun looked at Junsu happily and handed Junsu the lollipop.

“This is for you.” Junsu accepted it. Instead he turned to Changmin.

“Changmin, since you got the answer you should have the lollipop.” Changmin took the lollipop but Yoochun quickly took it away from him.

“No, this is for Junsu not for you.” They glared at each other behind Junsu’s back. At that moment the bell for morning tea ran. They had to stay inside since it was the middle of winter. There were many toys and lego pieces that they were allowed to play with.

“Junsu, come play Lego with me.” Changmin dragged Junsu over to a corner where they could play. Yoochun, once again, looked at Changmin with his evil death glare. It wasn’t really that scary because whenever Yoochun did that everyone had said it looked really cute. Changmin just laughed at Yoochun and continued to pull Junsu away from him.

“Yoochun would you like to play with us too?” asked Junsu. Yoochun’s face lit as he quickly got out of his seat and followed them. Once the three of them sat in the corner around the lego pieces, Jaejoong and Yunho join them.

“Can we play with you too?” asked Jaejoong, who was holding onto Yunho’s hand. Junsu, who liked to play with his classmates and to make more friends, openly agreed. As they started to build random things with the lego pieces, Shiwon walked up to them and kicked whatever they had built over. Jaejoong started to cry so Yunho hugged Jaejoong really tight to make him stop. Yunho gave Shiwon a death glare and attempted to kick him for making Jaejoong cry. Unfortunately he didn’t succeed as Shiwon was too far away and he didn’t want to let go of Jaejoong. Shiwon grabbed Junsu by the wrist and pulled him up.

“Junsu’s going to play with me. He doesn’t want to be friends with you.” Junsu looked at Yoochun and Changmin as he was dragged away by Shiwon to a different corner of the room. Yoochun and Changmin exchanged looks of concern and stood up instinctively to go after Junsu.

“No, Junsu wants to play with us.” Said the two of them as they started to pull on Junsu’s free hand. The three of them were now having a game of tug-a-war with Junsu being the “rope”.

“If you don’t let go I’m going to tell the teacher on you.” Changmin stated with a ‘if u don’t let go now I really real’ sort of tone.

“You’re such a dibber dobber.” Changmin went red in the face as Shiwon called him that. He let go of Junsu’s hand and Yoochun was suddenly jolted towards Shiwon’s side.

“You two please stop, it hurts.” Junsu complained as the two of them pulled it even hard. Changmin didn’t care about their game of tug-a-war and just glomped Junsu. The other two released Junsu’s wrist and was just staring at Changmin.

“Junsu’s mine!” he hugged Junsu even tighter than before.

“No, let him go. I had him first!” and once again Yoochun was back at tugging Junsu’s wrist to get him away from Changmin. Shiwon now looked a bit uninterested in what they were doing and left.

“You two stop it.” Junsu said angrily as they continued their fight.

“He’s mine.”

“No, his mine, I had him first so give him back to me.” It was turn, Yoochun did have Junsu first. It wasn’t until a semester later that Changmin had joined their class and so during that semester Yoochun had Junsu all to himself to play with.

The bell went, signally the end of morning tea. Changmin unwilling let go of Junsu and the three of them walked over to their seats. Their teacher entered the classroom with large pieces of paper and many paint bottles in her hand.

“Everyone, I want you all to get into groups of two or three. We are going to be doing a painting for the school competition. The group who comes first, second or third will receive a prize and get an award at assembly. You will have an hour to complete your paintings. Please get into your groups now.”

Of course, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin got together to form a group of three and Jaejoong and Yunho formed a group of two. The teacher handed them a big piece of paper and a set of different coloured paint. The class settled down and got to work.

“I want to draw food.” And yet again Changmin and Yoochun were arguing about what to draw.

“No, food is boring. I want to draw a dolphin. They represent Junsu” Junsu was looking from Yoochun to Changmin as they continues there argument about what to draw.

“No, dolphins are too hard. Food is easy, important and good.” Jaejoong looked over at them as they continued their useless argument.

“Why don’t you draw food and dolphins?” Junsu looked at Jaejoong and a smile came across his face.

“Yeah, let’s draw food and dolphins. You know we should work together to win the prize and get a big award. I want to get first.” Changmin looked from Junsu to Yoochun and held out his hand.

“Let’s just work together on this and get first prize ok? No fighting.” Yoochun looked at Changmin unwilling to shake his hand; he turned his glaze to Junsu who pouted at him for not taking the offer. Unable to resist the extreme cuteness of Junsu pout, Yoochun took the offer and shock Changmin’s hand.

“Ok, let’s draw dolphins and food.”

“See, that wasn’t too hard. Oh no, Jaejoong and Yunho have already started. They’re going to beat us. Changmin! Yoochun! Let’s hurry.” The three of them set to work drawing different dolphins and foods. During the whole time Changmin and Yoochun didn’t argue, in fact they worked well together. Until…

“Junsu, which drawing do you like best?” Yoochun was unable to resist asking Junsu the question.

“I like the dolphin that Yoochun drew.” Junsu replied happily.

“See, Junsu likes me better than you.” Yoochun said as he pouted at Changmin.

“No, he doesn’t! Just because you can draw better doesn’t mean that Junsu likes you better!” This time Yoochun glomped Junsu first.

“He’s mine!”

“No, he’s mine!”

“Stop it you two, why can’t we all play together. It was really fun when the two of you didn’t fight. I want us to play together without fighting.” Junsu was on the verge of tears. Unable to see Junsu cry, Yoochun and Changmin quickly made up and said sorry to each other.

The one hour had passed and their teacher collected their paints. The rest of the class went on as normal and Yoochun and Changmin refrained from arguing. It was 10 minutes before the bell that the winner of the painting competition was announced.

Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin had come first, followed by Jaejoong and Yunho. That meant they were all going to receive a big award at assembly. The five of them were all very happy.

“See, if we work together we can come first. And I really liked it when we all played together without fighting.” Yoochun and Changmin felt guilty for the times that they had argued in front of Junsu. The bell went, signalling lunch time. They were allowed to go outside for lunch.

“Let’s be friends.” Changmin looked at Yoochun with a serious look.

“Ok, let’s be friends for Junsu.” And so, the three of them walked out into the playground hand in hand happily, with Jaejoong and Yunho following close behind them.


and that's the end of the story... i feel all fluffy now *goes to try to write a nc17 fic* hope you'll read my nc17 one as well when it's done ^^ bye bye all
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