Hank was at summer camp

Jun 14, 2010 01:23

In the morning, I often get the urge to get on here and type. I get these nice sentences going in my head as I make my coffee, but they never make it here unfortunately. I would love to commit to doing entries. The problem is that when I used to do them, I at the very least could write about classes on the most uneventful day. I'm worried it's just going to be nonsensical crap but whatever. It's for me, not an audience. I've always thought of my blog as a log of events. I like to be able to look back on a date and remember doing a specific thing. It's also great for arguments.

Back to business.

I try to make it a habit of keeping myself busy, or more like entertained. I've always loved color and been interested in how colors can go together. I also like makeup. I've been spending a lot of time playing with eyeshadows for the past, I don't know how long. I put a lot of time in watching tutorials online and have been late getting ready too many times to count (sorry) because I blend, blend, blend. Ahh, I just love it and I think it's really fun.

I've just recently taken an interest to my nails. I've always ignored them because they are so thin and I can't even file them to shape because the edges are already worn off. Anyway, my nails were looking kind of alright to paint so for the first time ever, I painted dots on them. A light robin's egg blue background with dark cool-green dots. I made the dots with a cut off q-tip. Do not recommend. They are hardly uniform. I had toothpicks and they were the flat kind, but they would have made tiny dots and I wanted medium ones. I know there is a dotter at Job Lots for like a dollar. Maybe I will do my toes. I feel like I need bright colors to look at.

Dad brought home a 23lb box of peaches. WHAT will we do with that many peaches? I have one with oatmeal, but that's it. I want to make a pie with the crunchy stuff. I've been watching a lot of Chopped and it makes me feel like I could cook.

Bekah's just finishing up her finals. She had her chem final last week with two quizzes days before it. Boy, did I drill her. I helped her with her extra credit powerpoint, too. It was fun, to see all the chem stuff and all, but I don't feel like I want it like I did. Pharmacy, in particular. Pills are dead to me. I still like science, but what happens when I go back to school? And for what? I like makeup, food, and science. Food science? No makeup artist. Making something with science? Plastics? Not wood chem. Just not medicine.

As far as health stuff goes, my last entry said I switched pain meds. That didn't even last 2 weeks. I want to try again sometime though. I am trying to cut down my vicodin now, even if it's just by half a pill. I don't like taking the max. What will happen is I will get to 4 for a couple days then it will rain or I go shopping and I'll have a string of bad days and I'm back to 5.

Anyway, it is cold down here, so I'm going to bed!
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