The "B" Word

Mar 23, 2010 00:27

This past Thursday I realized I didn't feel the utter crap that I usually do. The day after that and the day after that to today, I'm excited, but so cautious to even acknowledge the "b" word, "better". Mornings and sleep aren't changing much, but it's midday/late afternoon that are improving. My head feels less foggy and blurry and I just feel better, but not all better.

Not sure why it's happened:

• There's the most obvious: new dosing of supplements.
• The less obvious: I stopped my bc pills for 4 days because I forgot to fill them (so 11 days w/o hormones). If it's the seasonale, I will start to feel worse soon because I started to take them again 3 nights ago.
• vitamin b tabs, maybe in addition to something else.
• Less pain pills/ambien to account for head clearing.

Today (and some of yesterday) I wanted to test how I was by being out in town or whatever as long as I could so I went to church for once and then to lunch, to Job Lots, to Jefe's friend's house to fix computers, to Walmart, to Kevin's again, then home. As I type this, I am incredibly sore. I did do a lot of extra body stretches yesterday, but I know a lot of this is from sitting and working on computers.

I did feel worse today before I even went out, and this is a little worrisome. I will note that today, the weather changed considerably. It was cool to cold to snow to wettish to cold again. Each day before that, to actually when I started to feel okay, the weather has not been wet in the least and has hit the 60s. Not surprised as weather does affect me.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I want to know I bounce back. Before this sudden change, it would take 2-3 days to basically recuperate. I'm hoping there's an improvement.

Enough rambling. I just want my butt in school again. Two years off is too long.
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