Another fibro day in my fibro world

Feb 16, 2009 08:40

I can't help but get up early. I feel so crappy all the time, even when I just roll over and briefly wake myself up. Pain floods in my legs and my feet and my back and my arms and my hands and fingers and my hips. I try to go and take some pills and unscrewing the bottle hurts and I always keep them on the anti-childproof end. In the words of the dentist kid, "Is this going to be forever"? I certainly hope not.

I would love to get back into school. I need to get back into school. But man, I can't even do the dishes because I have to stand and move my arms for a half hour. And walking to classes? I always tag along grocery shopping to Shaw's or Walmart or Job Lots or wherever and usually whoever I'm with with (Dad, Gram) will end up going to 2+ places. Ah. I can't keep up. Once in a while I think I am and I'll be on my third store and then going to have lunch and about to go to the fourth and then when I come home -- that's it. The next day and the next, too. There are online classes to look into to stay on my dad's insurance (with me having to have bone scans, MaineCare is a no). I'll have to check on those today.

Enough about that. I've been thinking about the Gardasil vaccine. Now, is it a cancer vaccine or a virus vaccine? Those aren't quite the same thing, are they? Merck says the former, the CDC, the latter. Maybe cancer vaccine sounds better? Wouldn't be the first time they opted for the auditory superior. Their catchphrase, "One less"? It should be one fewer. That bothers me. Less deals with "uncountable" amounts, like happiness. Fewer is reserved for countable things, like, oh say, statistics in "we're all in this together" in virus, no, STD vaccine commercials.

I was asked to get the vaccine in September. I said no. For one reason, I'm not needing it, so don't go and thing I'm a gungo-ho conspiracy theorist who hates pharmacy companies. I love them. I want, well wanted, at this rate, to be a part of them. I just don't like Gardasil. I don't think little girls should be getting it at all. Not just because I firmly believe they should be keeping their legs closed in the first place but that the vaccine isn't ready. The sampling size for testing, for the 9-12 age group was unreasonably small, like 1200 or something.

Take your yes we cans and one lesses and be gone.
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