The news today said that technically, no one should be working because it might overwork the servers and cause yet another blackout, but somehow, I can't see this tidbit of information going over well with my bosses.
"Yeah, sorry I couldn't make it into work today, but I was doing my part to be a good little conservationist and prevent more blackouts. It was on the news. It had nothing to do with just not wanting to work. Really!"
If the power went out again, I could survive just fine. With the exception of not having enough light to read my books and not having hot water to shower with, I made it through 24 hours of no electricity with nary a complaint in hearing distance. Strange considering I'm the one who refuses to go camping because it means living in a bug free-for-all zone with no running water, but everyone needs a few quirks to make them interesting. As long as I have homemade tea and marshmallows onna stick, I can survive the Second Coming of Christ, Armageddon, and Arnold Schwarzenegger being elected as President of the United States.
Dilbert is entirely too accurate in capturing the goings-on in my office. This scares me.
For some reason, the urge to post scads of Metallica pictures is upon me, but I've managed to control myself by only posting one. Naturally, it's James Hetfield.
I know this is just me, but it really does look like he's smoking a hookah pipe. Now I'm going to be stuck all day with the image of James as the Catepillar from Alice In Wonderland. Great.
I'm working till nine p.m. today. Boo.
Scott Ian fucking rules.
By Scott Ian
I know I shouldn't care but I'm glad "Gigli" bombed. It's too bad the movie business wasn't more like the record business where if you bomb you're done. No more movies Ben and J Blo. I bet you can't wait for their next romp in Kevin Smith's "Jersey Girl."
No, I didn't see "Freddy Vs. Jason." The last Freddy movie I saw was Part 3 and the last Jason was Part 2. I'd go see it if it was just 90 minutes of murder and mayhem. Just come up with 30 or 40 new ways to kill people on screen and you've got my 10 bucks. I don't need the "witty" one-liners. Michael Myers should show up and kill both of them.
Or the old Werewolf.
Lon Chaney rules.