Okay, so when winter begins to creep up on us here in the northern
states, that's when I admit that maybe LA has the right idea being all
warm and sunny year-round. To combat the inevitable blues, I load a
mess o' playlists with upbeat stuff that makes me happy. The aural
equivalent of a sunlamp, I guess.
Since you ain't coming to my door tonight knocking for candy, I'm
gonna offer you the following links that'll take you to pages where
you may download these grab bags of the sort of sonic num-nums I'll be
chewing away at all these cold months long. It's kinda random as heck,
so naturally ymmv...
- For some folks it'll be the musical version of a flaming bag of
dookie on the front stoop.
- For others they'll find the collection to be a bunch of gummybears
and pop rocks and necco wafers.
So - Antibummer 2008 Volumes I-V:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/llcel2 II.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/yxx118 III.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/uxmmii IV.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/wd3pdi V.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/bh24pn Oh yeah - VOTE, motherfuckers!
Happy Halloween!
- Alex