(no subject)

May 11, 2005 21:08

Your Deadly Sins

Sloth: 80%

Greed: 20%

Envy: 0%

Gluttony: 0%

Lust: 0%

Pride: 0%

Wrath: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%

You will die with your hand down your underwear, watching Star Trek.

How Sinful Are You?

Yes, I did three. Ickle dancing people!

Once again I failed to remember to go to YorMag meeting. It seems they've lost their usual room, too, so they were somewhere else anyway. I remembered about fifteen minutes too late and walked over, but the fact I started really hoping I wouldn't find it kinda clued me in to the fact I didn't want to go. Having one of those highstrung days anyway, so I treated myself to icecream afterwards.

Very do-nothing day. Worked some more on Greenhelm, basically replacing a chunk I wrote yesterday, which means several hours work came to +500 words, at most. Also did a brief essay plan, for the one due in in week 5, and read some of 'A Vindication of the Rights of Women'. Really, a completely wasted day, compared with yesterday's proactivity. Oh, and also spoke to mum for over an hour, which was cool. Apparently Chloe is really struggling with Chemistry, so if any ex gming people are around, she'd probably be really grateful if anyone could go through it with her. Dr Lum, is, from her reports, absolutely useless. She's thinking of joining the police now, or possibly doing photography at Farnham Art College. Mum's becoming a builder, since Harry's still not getting anything done on the studio, and still passing around the radio story thing to all and sundry, including mad Granny Annie (I've met her once, I think). Oh, and the new Norton Anti-Virus has refused to work on her computer, which I suspect might be an 'extension pack two' thing, like almighty_frog's adobe issues.

This pleases me, because the UK really does have a ridiculous working week at the moment. I agree about beinding the rules for hospitals, because we're struggling there as it is, but frankly I'd rather have happier, less stressed people and a slightly slower economy than what we've got now. We've slipped back into that Victorian factory owner mindset, where longer hours are better, even when it's been proved that shorter hours make for more efficient workers.

Anyway, tomorrow will be lecture, seminar, shopping, capoeira... except I haven't actually found any more out about capoeira. Does anyone have Elliot's email address? I'd love to do capoeira again.

Ngh. Tired and thirsty and really ought to eat real food, instead of icecream and nutrigrain. You know, between highstrungness, a day of writing and having the latest BBC mockumentary (this time the cause of multiple deaths and tragedy is a heatwave), I feel a bit like I'm writing fiction here. Or posibly I'm fictional myself. Brain fuzzy. Normally it's exams that produce this effect. Eh, need more water, and really need to go shopping tomorrow. The contents of my shelf in the refridgerator run thusly: ketchup, mayonnaise, half a lemon, flora, half a pot of creme fraiche, half a jar of bolognaise sauce. That's an interesting meal right there.
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