HoggyWartyXmas-Recs (for a great finish *sigh*)

Jan 05, 2024 22:57

"Further Adventures of the Hogwarts Knitting Society" (PG, 12700 w, Irma Pince et al.) : the story I recommended in Jan. 21 got itself a sequel *hooray*; just as inspired as the first tales about our favourite Ladies, but with an added note of suspense, and much more inclusive knitting-wise :-): https://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/159058.html

"Singing Card from the Staff" (G, 19 w) : if this picture does not call to me, what could....; Carol-singing by our dear Hogwarts staff, depicted in such a brilliant way:                                                                      https://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/159776.html

"Hag Tales" (PG 13, 8900 w): don't let yourself get bewildered by the title - it is all about Minerva, from becoming a student at Hogwarts up to running the school, what could be more interesting?                     https://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/161814.html
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