I have not found the time to read the two longest stories on
hoggywartyxmas, sadly. But I will make the time now to rec from the posts I have enjoyed already:
- There is an Art-entry which invites exploring all the details for a long and repeated time: Hogwarts staff assembled at Mme Rosmerta's for a Christmas party "Fast Away the Old Year Passes"
http://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/72815.html (G)
- "Little Things That Help" is a very moving piece on Harry and Kingsley working at the Ministry after the war and still learning to cope with the losses
http://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/73774.html (Rating: none)
- "He Calls My Name" has Minerva recalling the incident when Severus first called her by her first name; this scene might well be canon
http://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/70997.html (PG)
- "To Build on Rock" is an amazing exploration of the magic that went into the building of Hogwarts, done by Minerva and Neville in order to bring back the ability of the castle to create the Room of Requirement
http://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/73025.html (G)
- "Bored of Govenors" has Minerva deal with the Board-members in order to get some changes to the curriculum approved; the changes are very well chosen and introduce very interesting characters
http://hoggywartyxmas.livejournal.com/72496.html (PG-13)