four days and five games later (we skipped game 3 of the six game series, wcu v. jacksonville, on saturday), i have
240 photos from the ncaa baseball chapel hill regional; some good, some bad, some of inanimate objects, some of
delicious catcher butt (some catchers pictured may not be able to legally purchase beer yet, please ogle at your own discretion).
also acquired or produced over the last four days: serious sleep deprivation; a slightly bizarre farmer's tan; sunburnt boobs; a strong desire to spend all of next weekend sitting in the bosh again, watching the super regional; a freakishly exploded obsession with college baseball; 5400 words of mckay/sheppard that will hopefully get finished off tomorrow. it was worth every penny i spent this weekend. A+, would watch carolina win a regional again.
but now i gotta sleep. i have some things to say about last week's studio 60, especially the last ten minutes, but i can't quite formulate them yet. tomorrow, my darlings, i promise. for the moment, i sleep.
insidian, call me tomorrow. all the giraffes and llamas for you.)