Mar 09, 2006 10:24
spring break starts at 4:45 today, and it cannot get here soon enough, man. the prospect of sleep, glorious sleep (and not having to sit through crappy classes), is a golden one. i'm going to write a lot and sleep a lot and it will be awesome. awesomer than school, at least.
old list, new year. today's list: top five songs for celebrating the return of spring. i know that many of you live in places where it's still snowing (to which i say: why do you live somewhere that sucks? i recommend moving to north carolina, it's supposed to be 75 degrees here today) and spring has not arrived where you are, but spring has fucking sprung down here, and this morning i danced at the bus stop to "catch my disease" and felt not godzilla smashy for the first time all week. (then i started thinking about bill napoli again and turned unfortunately rageful again, but it was a different kind of smash. let's not talk about him, though, my blood pressure is already too high. *LIZARD SMASH*)
so. windows thrown open, flip flops retrieved from the back of the closet, stereo turned up loud: what songs are you listening to?
my list:1. "catch my disease", ben lee. the quintessential ultimate spring sing along.
2. "get out the map", the indigo girls. the quintessential drive with the windows down and the radio up and the sun shining song.
3. "the luckiest guy on the lower east side", the magnetic fields. but when the weather's nice/all the other guys/don't have a chance
4. "graceland", paul simon. this whole album, but the title track, man, is meant for driving down the highway at top speed (and volume).
5. "thunder road", bruce springsteen. apparently, i equate spring with road trips. huh. go figure.
COME ON, PEOPLE, THINK SPRING. even if it's not spring where you are: if you think spring, it will BE spring. if it was spring, what would you be listening to? SHARE.
top five:music