i usually cut my basketball talk. i'm not going to, tonight, and you can scroll past or unfriend me if it bothers you. tomorrow i'll be back to cutting things. tonight, no
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why do all my stories about recent championship games start, "I WAS SO DRUNK I COULDN'T STAND UP, AND ..."
but seriously. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE 2003 TITLE GAME. and my abnormal love for jimmy b and the 'cuse.
a.) the default ex-boyfriend of my soul is a syracuse native, and a lifelong fan of the orangemen. we were not actually speaking at that time in our lives, but i watched with a great emotional fondness for him.
b.) THE ROY. that was the year that i watched the game knowing that THE ROY was going to leave kansas and come home whether he won or lost, and also the game after which THE ROY said "shit" on live national television, forever sealing my eternal devotion to his empire.
c.) jimmy b MARRIED A SYRACUSE CHEERLEADER, which i think is possibly one of the greatest things ever in the history of the universe.
d.) i am genetically frightened of the carrier dome.
e.) man, i wanted that title for boeheim so badly; it was him and roy, two of the active greats, who'd never won titles, up against each other, and it just. that was an awesome game. i was so drunk i couldn't stand up. yeah.
which is to say: hi, hello, welcome to the fold, in march i run a livejournal dot com tournament pool, pls stick around to kick my ass. (and hey, syracuse fan, can you give me the inside scoop on mcnamara? some places i read he's fine, he'll back soon, some places i read he's out for the season, some places i read he's out for a couple of games. what's the deal, yo?)
oh god oh god i've only got three minutes and i'll still be late to class so i can't reply to this comment with all the blazing fire of adoration etc. etc. but mcnamara is fine, he bruised his thigh but yesterday was running sprints at practice and boeheim plans on putting him in for at least a few minutes tonight against UCONN because god knows we'll need him.
and i will so be here in march for the pool. (and the carrier dome is a scary, scary place, and yet is my second home. oh, the dome.)
GOOD TO KNOW RE: MCNAMARA. i like him, and he went down hard; the clips on sportscenter were scary. so hooray for his recovery! and good luck against calhoun, et al. as much as i love jimmy b, i hate jim calhoun. stick it to him, yo.
but seriously. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE 2003 TITLE GAME. and my abnormal love for jimmy b and the 'cuse.
a.) the default ex-boyfriend of my soul is a syracuse native, and a lifelong fan of the orangemen. we were not actually speaking at that time in our lives, but i watched with a great emotional fondness for him.
b.) THE ROY. that was the year that i watched the game knowing that THE ROY was going to leave kansas and come home whether he won or lost, and also the game after which THE ROY said "shit" on live national television, forever sealing my eternal devotion to his empire.
c.) jimmy b MARRIED A SYRACUSE CHEERLEADER, which i think is possibly one of the greatest things ever in the history of the universe.
d.) i am genetically frightened of the carrier dome.
e.) man, i wanted that title for boeheim so badly; it was him and roy, two of the active greats, who'd never won titles, up against each other, and it just. that was an awesome game. i was so drunk i couldn't stand up. yeah.
which is to say: hi, hello, welcome to the fold, in march i run a livejournal dot com tournament pool, pls stick around to kick my ass. (and hey, syracuse fan, can you give me the inside scoop on mcnamara? some places i read he's fine, he'll back soon, some places i read he's out for the season, some places i read he's out for a couple of games. what's the deal, yo?)
and i will so be here in march for the pool. (and the carrier dome is a scary, scary place, and yet is my second home. oh, the dome.)
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