[now that i've had my morning temper tantrum ...]

Aug 12, 2004 09:41

I miss phineasjones and mellyflori. *whine*

Today's Top 5 list is a copout for me, because I can't be arsed to think this morning: Top 5 Celebrities You Would Pay To Hear Read The Phone Book. You know what I mean - the actors you'll go see in a movie even if the movie's crap, the newscasters whose voices make you weak in the knees, the people who are so good looking it doesn't matter what they say, as long as they say it with very little clothing on, the people who could read something as boring as a phone book and make it roll-on-the-floor funny. You know what I mean. The five famous people you could watch read an entire phone book just because they're that damn good.

Anyway. My list:1. Billy Boyd. See also In Which Billy Boyd Says Stuff, for a complete and accurate rendition of Billy reading a phone book. That accent. *thud*

2. Keira Knightley. Hottass. Hottass with an accent.

3. Jon Stewart. The only man on the planet who could read the phone book to me and still have me falling out of my chair and getting the hiccups from laughing so hard. I am firmly convinced that Jon Stewart could read the phone book and it would be funnier than anything else in the world ever.

4. George W. Bush. Because he wouldn't be able to pronounce all those funny names, and I could mock him. And then I could beat him to death with the phone book and blame his own death on him somehow.

5. Joss Whedon. If Joss read the phone book, there might be monsters in it. <3

Honorable mention to Alan Rickman (OMG THAT VOICE) and insidian. Okay, so Sid's not a celebrity, but I bet she'd be totally entertaining in reading the phone book. HEY, LANI! I'LL BLOW YOU IF YOU READ THE WHOLE CHICAGO PHONE BOOK OUT LOUD TO ME!
And you?

And on that lovely note, I have work to do and a Sid to tig and porn to write. *disappears in a puff of dust*

top five:miscellany

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