Oh, Thursday, how I love you. Especially this Thursday, since I'm not working tomorrow, which makes today Friday! Hooray!
We all mourned, fought, fundraised against the cancellation, we all wept last night, and we did it because we loved the show. So why not use the Top 5 list to express that love? Today's list, I give you Top 5 Favorite Buffyverse ... Things. (I've excluded Firefly not because it wasn't good, but because I'm mourning the Buffyverse today; keep it to Buffy and Angel.)
I say "Things" because it can be anything. Ultimate Drew, Mere, or your secret passionate lust for Marti Noxon. (Okay, wait, on second thought, keep that last one to yourself. We don't want to know.) Glory's minions, Giles as Ripper, "Fool For Love", 27 and a half minutes without dialogue, Kennedy's tongue stud, "We are as GODS!". "I'll Never Tell", Angel's hair, Fred's ever-shortening hemlines and magical disappearing accent. David Nabbit, Kate Lockley, Amy Madison, Buffy's insane-o demon roommate in S4, Dracula, Willy the Snitch. Connor. The never-seen Senior Partners who I am still convinced are Joss and David and Tim in sweats, sitting around a conference table giggling and watching anime. Whatever. What do you love about the Buffyverse? What made you stick with it? Tell me. Let's not just mourn - let's fucking celebrate what we had.
My list:1. "Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been", Angel 2.02. Written by Tim Minear, directed by David Semel. The cuts between past and present. The overpowering theme of the McCarthy trials. The Hyperion. Wesley's ridiculous paranoia. And the best I think Cordy ever looked. I adore this episode. This episode was utterly, utterly perfect.
2. I walk. I talk. I shop, I sneeze. I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out. And I don't sleep on a bed of bones. Now give me back my friends. - Buffy in "Restless", 4.22 This speech is my secret talisman, the words I repeat to myself when I need strength I don't have. I think it's my favorite piece of writing ever done in the Buffyverse.
3. The Fanged Four: "Fool For Love", Buffy 5.07; "Darla", Angel 2.07; "Lies My Parents Told Me", Buffy 7.17; "Destiny", Angel 5.08. I love the Scourge of Europe. I have great and undyingdead lust for them. I would happily watch an entire series devoted to Angel, Darla, Spike and Drusilla wreaking havoc across Europe. Raping, pillaging, blood drinking, evil doing? Love it. Give me more. As paired cross-series episodes go, "Fool For Love" and "Darla" were as good as it got. Not my favorite episodes, not by a long shot, but oh, I love me some evil vampires. Yum.
4. Spike's speech from the rooftop at the beginning of "In The Dark", Angel 1.03. It's fucking funny in English. Change your DVD settings and it's even fucking funnier in French and Spanish.
"Me, I kinda want to slay the dragon." Because. Just. Yes.
Honorable, honorable mentions go to Glory's minions, my secret TV writer boyfriend Tim Minear, Angel in Pylea with the sun and the mirrors and the "Does my hair always look like this?", Lilah fucking Morgan, Christian Kane singing in Caritas, "You're Welcome" (Angel 5.12), the Cheeseman, all the tiny moments of continuity in the finale, and 12 amazing seasons of television. Thanks, Joss. It's been a hell of a ride.
Don't think about this. Just go with the first five things that pop into your mind, be they characters or lines of dialogue or writers or episodes. From the gut.
Send your friends lists over here to make these lists. Let's turn it into a love-in for our dear departed big gay show. Send 'em here to post their own lists, and let's remember and mourn and most of all celebrate the fact that we got as many seasons as we did, and that most of them were as brilliant as they were. (Insert appropriate disappointed comment about Buffy S7 here.)
THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR "NOT FADE AWAY", ANGEL 5x22, IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS POST. Read at your own unspoiled unviewed peril.
Please post your list either in a comment here or a link to an entry in your own journal on this entry. Feel free to post your list in your own journal, of course, but my point with these lists is fostering discussion between the people on my friends list, whether it's arguing over whether or not Catcher In The Rye sucks (it does) or simply sharing a common bond with someone over a book, a movie, a song. Also, if you're going to ask people this same question, please link to this entry and suggest they post here - this isn't a meme, really, but rather a feature of my journal specifically. I welcome anyone who wants to play.
(Previous Thursday Top 5 lists are