i am so bored it isn't even funny.

May 12, 2004 12:39

Fandom-heavy today. That's how life goes.

Fic Recs:
+ Shagging Harmony Kendall, by indri. Angel. Spike/Harmony. NC-17, spoilers for "You're Welcome". I'm not sure if this story is reassuring or utterly chilling, but whichever one it is, it's very honest, very smart, and has a little twist at the end that made my throat close up. (Also, I think I may have recced this before but I can't remember and I can't find it. So.)

+ And Life Goes On, by jennyo. Angel/BtVS. Giles/Lilah. PG-13, spoilers through "Origin". A pairing I'd never considered, but Jenny does those well. Her characterization is flawless, the premise is amazing, and oh, it makes my heart ache for what Angel could have been with Lilah this year.

+ Lagniappe, by abundantlyqueer. lotrips. Orli/Elijah. NC-17, AU. LAGNIAPPE: Something given over and above what is purchased or earned, to make good measure or by way of gratuity. The AU-ness of this is one of the things I like best, but I also like it because it's hot, and well-written, and captures the inherent magic of New Orleans in a very unusual way.

+ Proceeds, by queenofalostart and lalejandra. lotrips. Dom/Elijah. R. Hot as hell and utterly stomach-twisting. You don't need my words to know that these are two of the most talented ladies writing in any fandom out there, so trust me: this is really fucking incredible and you should go read it. Now.

+ An Elevator Story, by linabean. Sports Night. Casey/Dan. NC-17. Casey and Dan get stuck in an elevator. Cliches ensue. The writing's sharp, though, and the Dan voice is so good that I can forgive the rest.

+ I'm sure y'all saw this while I was gone, but in case you didn't: The Day After Tomorrow Fic Challenge. You know that new disaster movie? Yeah. Write a apocalypse!fic in your favorite fandom. Then post it and link to it here. I would write, but apoca!fic in the Mutant Enemy fandom seems a little redundant. *grin*

+ Christian Kane's a Cubs fan. I'm even more in love than I already was. *flail* And if anyone can hook me up with footage of CK singing the National Anthem from Sunday's (May 9) Cubs game, I'll love you forever and a day.

+ Apparently, Buffy is a good moral example for Mormons. Who knew?

+ The Invisible Reader. switchknife makes some really interesting points about readers who never comment on fic; I have to admit that I'm a terrible feedbacker. I can never seem to say anything that doesn't sound cheesy or fake, even when I really mean it. And that, frankly, is part of why I put together a lot of recs - I seem to be able to say things better when I'm not saying them directly to the author. And if any of you go over to the fic and say, "Hey, Min sent me here,", that's something, right? ... Yeah. I know I should feedback more. I suck.

+ musesfool has compiled a list of tacky fandom behavior. Interesting discussion in the comments, especially re: pimping your own fic to people searching for specific elements in stories. Worth a read.

Random Crap I Found On The Internet:
+ Van Helsing in 15 minutes. Major spoilers. Funny as all hell.

+ From the Bizarro Celebrity Gossip (Yes, I Am A Slut For Shit Like This) Files: Scarlett Johanssen confesses to shagging Benicio Del Toro in a hotel elevator. That's wicked good gossip.

+ A Poem: Why I Take Good Care Of My Macintosh Computer. I personally take good care of Wes the iBook because I love him more than I love Michael. But that's just me.

recs:sports night, recs:whedon, recs:lotrps

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