Title: Six Stories About Five Blowjobs
Fandom: Sports Night
Rating: R
Pairing: Casey/various, Casey/Dan
Feedback: Yes, please.
Archives: Just ask.
Summary: Casey goes looking for affection in all the wrong places.
Author's Notes: Written almost entirely in one shot while the network at work was down. Betaed wonderfully by
ngaio, to whom I am
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Comments 22
I think it's Perro Fumando, not Furmando.
I think you're right. Fixed.
Ah, the wonders of working the reception desk. I can read pr0n and no one knows any better. tee-hee.
Good work!
I love this!
I've said it to you now and I won't say it again because there's nothing that's going to come of it and I know that, so can I please go back to sleeping on you now?
This is *such* a great line. Really says it all. :)
This is *such* a great line. Really says it all.
I have to admit, I started with that line and worked backwards. So I'm glad that it works for you, because it was really the centerpiece of this story in the beginning. :)
Anyway, I loved it. It was just the right mixture of pain and resignition.
And thank you. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
Okay, I have no coherent feedback, other than I loved this. Great descriptions, authentic characterisations, and there's a wonderful flow to the narrative. I *loved* it.
authentic characterisations
This means a lot to me, because I worried some about that, as the first draft of this was written before I'd seen the whole series. So I'm particularly happy to hear that. :)
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