cinnamon toastncrunch

Dec 04, 2013 18:42

LJ, you are all posting so much! It makes me really happy even though I'm still not posting.

Here are some things:
  • I am buying a townhouse here in the Thrill! I close the week before Christmas. Buying a house, if you have never done it, is completely terrifying and requires you to sign your name to six thousand and four things, and aside from hearing that at the end of it they give you a house, I am still not quite sure why anyone, let alone me, does it. I am so tired of my own name.
  • I had an idea and started curating a series on the music / photo blog called The First Album I Ever Bought. You can read them all thus far here, and see how to submit in the first post. You should write one! I am having so much fucking fun reading the submissions and seeing what people were influenced by. And take your time, I'm all set through mid-January. No rush.
  • I am really glad that Extra Hot Great came back this fall, and I still listen to the Eggybread Wonderlatch mini episode, like, twice a week.
  • The only TV I am currently watching: Grimm, Major Crimes, and Brooklyn Nine-nine.
  • Because over the summer I got really obsessed with The Closer and Grimm because they were free on Amazon Prime and I could watch them in bed via the Roku, which is possibly the greatest invention of modern technology.
  • So Grimm because it's still on, and Major Crimes because eh, I can take or leave Captain Detective President Roslyn, but the supporting cast that carried over from The Closer is great.
  • I went to RiotFest with press credentials, and it was pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever done to date, even if three days of walking and standing and rain on Sunday did literally peel three layers of skin off the soles of my feet. Standing two feet from Joan Jett, Debbie Harry, and Exene Cervenka in one weekend, plus bonus Frank Iero in the rain with Reggie and the Full Effect? SOLD.
  • Reggie & the Full Effect are playing one of the tiny clubs in the Thrill in January and I want to go but I also kind of worry that Frank might accidentally maim someone on a stage that small.
  • Fall Out Boy + Frank Iero this year, and working out credentials for Panic's tour in the winter, and it's kind of like I had a 2008 head injury all over again.
  • On Twitter I mostly talk about how being a grown up sucks and our cats, but it's there.
  • Jason Isbell's new record is in my top ten of 2013, which let me tell you is totally the biggest example of how loads of therapy is good for your forgiveness mechanism.
  • The 17th Annual Christmas Mix is coming in two weeks. It's good, guys. And I'll get the link right the first time this year.
THOSE ARE SOME THINGS. Those are most of the things.

numbered and lettered lists

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